Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Grandma Was Right

During the time I was living with my grandmother, I was being treated for depression. Grandma didn't seem to understand why I was taking medication and seeing a therapist. She said the best therapy she'd ever found for depression was work.

Although I heard what she said, I didn't take her words to heart. I thought that using work to help with depression was only masking what was wrong and wouldn't do any good.

It turns out my grandma was right. Although work doesn't cure depression, it is an excellent distraction and often allows for "processing" in the background of conscious thought.

Things in my life are really messy right now. I've been feeling the walls close in. Working this morning at the library has pushed the walls back just a little and allowed me to breathe. Grandma, you were right and I'm sorry I didn't listen earlier.


  1. Love grandma wisdom. I completely agree. I think there is an optimal work/play ratio and if it strays too much in either direction - it gives depression impetus.

  2. It is actually usually the opposite. Medication often only masks the problem unless people learn to deal with the things that are making them depressed in the first place. That's not to say medication doesn't have a place, but for things like depression and ADHD,it is way overused. I agree with your Grandmother completely, but it is not just work. Doing anything that gets you up, moving, and out of the house helps (exercise is awesome as well). The catch 22 with depression is how much you don't feel like doing anything, even when you know it will help. Good luck, Trent. Hope your world is a sunnier real soon.
