Thursday, October 25, 2012

Sound and Fury and Love

I expect that most people who know me would be surprised by some part of this post.

I am grateful for General Hospital. The last two episodes allowed me to cry. I spend so much of my time keeping a lid on my feelings because I don't believe in being ruled by them. The flipside of that is I often can't express my true feelings when I want to. Well-written dramas, like the current incarnation of GH, allow me to release some of the pressure from all that pent-up emotion.

Some people might ask why I don't just let go. All around me is the fallout from people who heedlessly act on their momentary emotional impulses, or worse, abandon Love and crush others underfoot to obtain their desires. I don't want to contribute to that.

I believe that kindness and consideration for the feelings of other people are manifestations of perfect love. The only way this world will be healed is through pure, perfect love. Every day, I try to love perfectly. I often fail, but I get up and try again. I look forward to the day when Love truly will rule the world. I dream of a day when children will not be bruised by the consequences of imperfect love. I will do everything I can to keep that flame alive until the source of the fire returns.

So, the point of this post? To express appreciation for something most people consider trivial, and explain why for me, at least, a soap opera is anything BUT trivial.


  1. Ah, my Trent. Beneath that sea of tranquility lies a tempest of emotion and feeling. Few people I know have the capacity to FEEL as deeply and truly EXPERIENCE as fully as you do. You are a voracious consumer of life.... allowing all interaction and knowledge to completely absorb into your core. People would be foolish to mistake you as one who is quiet or without emotion... for you roar like a lion from within. You are a force of nature packaged within a gentle are a true master of restraint, and that is precisely why I love you so! :)

    I miss you, friend.

  2. This is a beautiful post. You are a truly good guy, Trent. You will surely make a man the happiest person in the world. I haven't met a single person yet who is deserving of you. This is James by the way. I don't mean for this to be anonymous.
