Wednesday, September 29, 2010

How Can I Keep From Singing?

I was slightly under the weather during the last few days with what was, by all appearances, a minor cold. I cancelled as many things as I could in order to rest up and recover as quickly as possible. However, I managed to teach most of my private students, and it was brought home to me very powerfully that teaching is the lifeblood of my soul. No matter how crappy I felt when I walked in that studio door, by the time the lessons were over, I was feeling much better.

This lesson isn't a new one. Last year when I was still in shock from a grevious personal loss, the only thing that made me feel alive at all was teaching. Gradually, running came to enliven me as well, but teaching people to sing kept me alive when what I thought I really wanted to do was die. Even with all the people who listened to me cry*, it was in serving others that I found my life.

I am grateful for every moment, every discovery, every shared "a-ha!" It's amazing how much of God's love is there to be seen with the right focus.

*To all of you who, indeed, have listened patiently and supportively to my endless whining, don't get me wrong: I'm so grateful for you! It's just not the point of the blog.

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